"O Holy Spirit, descend plentifully into my heart. Enlighten the dark corners of this neglected dwelling and scatter there Thy cheerful beams." -- St. Augustine
Hi!! My name is Milkaday, you can also call me "Gatas Na 'Day." I love milk, and I spend everyday drinking and drinking and drinking milk. That's why constipation is never my problem! I also have strong bones, clear eyes and clear skin! I'm a very wholesome person. That's why the girls in the school where I teach like me so much. When I spend time with them, we drink Alpine, Bear Brand, Magnolia Full Cream Milk, and, of course, we also eat ice cream. But better still, whipped cream! So why don't you be like me, because if you keep drink milk always all the time, you will admire everybody with milky qualities. MMmmmmm, that milk tastes good, let me have another taste. MmMMMMMMM! That's a real tastin' stimulatin' milk. Oops, don't do that. Scatology isn't my glass of milk. That's something between Bert and Ernie. Of cuorse, there's more to them than meets the popped-out eye. MMMMMMMMMM, that's a real funky milk! See me after class. Love you.
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